Just a note: Ugly sites are not crappy sites.

Crappy websites, the ones coded by monkeys for adsense revenue, are the real “uglies [sic]” of the internet. They might look web 2.0, they might look like a Kindergartener had a fit and mashed keys, but they all share one thing in common. They serve no purpose. Consider a slick site with adsense garble, or a site coded by someone with a half-year education in being a human being. There are also the great examples of sites written randomly on mashed keyboards, and then spellchecked and thrown online, without any care or thought. The horrible grammar, the misspelled words, the asinine and insipid information, makes these sorts of sites the worst on the net. Many of them, are scarily, web 1.9 (meaning they look like 2.0, but were designed by random chance or bots). We don’t need more of this excrement from whatever darkest bowels of the internet to be made, and we certainly are not talking about them. Those sites need to be taken out back and put out of their misery by an eight gauge shotgun. It’s also scary how many of these MFAs (Made for Adsense) sites sell for enough to earn a living off of, and how little worth they are. Written for keywords, and for show, not for content and for a purpose! What is the point of having a website with a ton of articles that exhibit their keywords, and not their content? To make money off of ads! Less people will read these insipid entries though, as more people will be interested in real information and real content. They will return to those sites – not the ones made from cow pies.

4 Responses to “Just a note: Ugly sites are not crappy sites.”

  1. The Hawg! says:

    You are exactly right. Furthermore, I’m glad I ran across your simple, fast-loading site — it’s making me rethink my clunky blog…

  2. Ella says:

    Check out Mr. Adsense, who thinks he knows everything at: http://www.makemoneywithadsense.today.com
    He claims to make thousands of dollars a month and is EXACTLY the kind of junk blog producer you are talking about.
    He drives me nuts with his slick ways and “If you don’t do what I say you’re a loser” attitude.

  3. a says:

    you should not be allowed to write. not that you write objectionable content, you just can’t write period. maybe you should try hand painting.

  4. Me loves your blog long time.

    It’s featured as one of my ‘Blogs of Note’ on my own blog.

    Rock on! :)

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