Told you so: How an ugly page with misspellings can be lucrative

This is what i’m talking about:

How an ugly page with misspellings can be lucrative

Andrew’s note: This section came from our conversation about testing.

Lisa’s example: I did a little bit of consulting work with Eben Pagan, who some people know as David DeAngelo. It was for landing pages and he was actually the merchant in this example. But I looked at these landing pages and I am like, “This is horrendous. This is just the worst looking landing page I have ever seen. You have got misspellings on here.” I was like, “This is crap!”

He was said, “Yeah OK. Every single person who ever comes from the Internet marketing space comes in and tells me the exact same thing.” He says, “But you know what? I have years, and years, and years of testing and I am telling you right now that this is the highest converting page.”

And he says, “And it knocks the socks off of the beautiful, awesome, creative, high-level marketing, branding approach.”

And I really got a huge lesson in that.

From Lisa Riolo’s interview with Eben Pagan at

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4 Responses to “Told you so: How an ugly page with misspellings can be lucrative”

  1. P says:

    Ummm…what? How about it’s the highest converting page because … IT’S THE LANDING PAGE! The lesson is, Lisa doesn’t use her critical thinking skills.

  2. I keeping hearing in my interviews that ugly sites outperform.

    By the way, I love this line in your about page:

    “This website is a tribute to all those ugly sites out there that sell like crazy!”

  3. heyheyhey says:

    i think you should pack your bags and go home. this website sucks.

  4. carrie says:

    i wonder if my site is ugly enough

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